Postgame: Andy Reid gives injury updates following 44-21 win over Arizona

The Kansas City Chiefs start the season 1-0 for the eighth consecutive season following a 44-21 victory over the Arizona Cardinals. But the Chiefs aren’t leaving without their share of bumps and bruises.

During his postgame presser, head coach Andy Reid told reporters the Chiefs are leaving the desert with five injured players.

“As far as the injuries go, Trey Smith hurt his ankle; we’ll see how he does overnight,” the head coach began. “[Trent] McDuffie strained his hamstring; we’ll see how he does. Justin Watson hurt his chest; we’ll see what that is. Mahomes landed on his wrist [and kicker Harrison] Butker hurt his ankle.” 

We’ll have more information on these injuries once the Chiefs return to team facilities in Kansas City. Mahomes and Butker managed to play through their injuries, so there’s hope they should be good to go by Thursday night when they play the Los Angeles Chargers.

Justin Watson will likely have x-rays done to understand his injury’s extent better. While Trey Smith and Trent McDuffie will likely receive a light workload during this week of practice leading up to week two.

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