Former Chiefs Guard Stefen Wisniewski retires after 10 seasons

After spending 10 seasons in the National Football League as a reliable interior offensive lineman, Stefen Wisniewski announced on his personal Twitter he’s walking away from football for good.

In his tweet, Wisniewski writes:

“After 10 seasons in the NFL, I would like to officially announce my retirement. I have had a truly blessed career, and though things didn’t always go exactly how I planned, I wouldn’t change a thing, for I believe God uses the trials to shape me into a tougher, wiser, stronger, more humble man of God. I am especially grateful that I had the opportunity to be a starting guard for two Super Bowl championship teams – the 2017 Philadelphia Eagles and the 2019 Kansas City Chiefs. Those experiences were absolutely amazing for me, and I will treasure those memories forever, there were so many people who have helped make my career possible, and I would like to thank some of them now – 

To Jesus Christ, King of the universe in my life: you were my strength, joy, purpose, anchor, life, peace, and passion. I only made it through the tough times because of your presence and because of the promises in your word. And the intense joy from doing you far surpasses any joy that came from even the best parts of the game of football. Any and all glory that people try to give me for where I’ve accomplished truly and rightfully belongs to you, Romans 11:36

To my wife Hilary: We made it. Thanks for supporting and loving and taking care of me during the craziness that is NFL life. Thanks for moving 7 times in 4 years with me. Thanks for making me laugh. Thanks for cooking giant O-line-sized dinners for me every night. Thanks for following Jesus and working so hard for the Seed Company to help translate the Bible for those with no Bible in their language, it is inspiring. I’m really excited to attack the next phase of my life with you as my partner.

To my parents Leo and Cindy and my sister Sarah: Thanks for being my biggest fans and supporters from the beginning. It’s been so fun to have you guys with me through my whole football journey. Dad, thanks for teaching me pretty much everything I know about football. And giving me a great example of what a man of God looks like. I truly would not be the football player or Christian that I am today if it wasn’t for you.

To the football coaches, strength coaches, athletic trainers, doctors, physical therapists, and all the other football sports staff: Thank you for the countless long hours you have put in to help me play my best on game day. I thought about giving a shout-out to some of my favorite people in this group, but that list would be well over a hundred. Just know that I am truly grateful for your help and wisdom. 

To my former teammates: you guys are what make the tough part about playing football worth it. Thanks for the laughs- long days of practice and boring meetings would have been unbearable if it wasn’t for the colorful personalities. And thanks for the football tips- I’ve learned so much about how to be a better player from conversations with you guys. And to all my Christian Brothers who I’ve played with- thanks for the wisdom, the prayers, the deep conversations about life and struggles and faith- that brotherhood was one of the best parts of playing.

To all the fans through the years: as we learned while playing in empty stadiums last year, playing football is zero fun without all of you. The adrenaline rush from hearing 60000 + fans screaming at the top of their lungs for me and my team is one of the things I will miss most about playing. Seeing the intense Joy on the faces of millions of fans during the Philly and Kansas City Super Bowl parades truly made those two of the best days of my life.’’

Wisniewski was drafted as a second-round selection in 2011 and spent the first four seasons in Oakland, where he built the reputation of being a trustworthy blocker that did a good job whenever his number was called.  

Following the 2014 campaign, Wisniewski walked into free agency and spent the 2015 season in Jacksonville before signing with the Eagles in 2016. 

While in Philly, he helped an Eagles offense go on a magical run that ended by defeating Tom Brady and giving Eagles fans their first championship season in 2017. Wisniewski stayed with the Eagles through the 2018 campaign but failed to make the roster again in 2019.

In October 2019, Wisniewski signed with the Kansas City Chiefs, where he started every postseason game and helped the Chiefs win its first championship in half a century. The following year, he walked into free agency and spent the majority of the 2020 season with the Pittsburgh Steelers before returning for a second stint in Kansas City, appearing in all of their 2020 postseason games including the heartbreaking 31-9 defeat to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

In total, Wisniewski played in 139 games, starting 109 of them.

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