Chiefs DC Steve Spagnuolo reveals changes coming to the defense

For the first time since camp began, Kansas City Chiefs Defensive Coordinator Steve Spagnuolo took the podium following Wednesday’s practice to discuss the changes that are coming to the team’s defense. 

In recent years, Kansas City has been suspect on that side of the ball, particularly, when defending against opposing rushing attacks. Spagnuolo hopes the subtle changes he’s applying will be what sets his defense over the top. 

Starting with the most tackled about the move of Chris Jones switching back from defensive tackle to edge rusher. And it sounds like Jones won’t be the only one moving around along the d-line in 2021.

“Chris is going to have to play multiple spots,” said Spagnuolo. “That’s just the way it is. Turk [Tershawn Wharton] is going to have to do the same. Mike Danna is probably going to have to do the same thing. So, the more flexible we can be, especially with [the] big guys, the better off we’ll be.”

Spagnuolo also mentioned that swapping Chris Jones and/or Frank Clark, depending on the situation, isn’t out of the question.  

“Our defense has quite a bit of volume, so there’s a challenge in learning two spots — but I think Chris has handled it pretty well to this point.”

Moving further up into the second level of the defense, the Chiefs linebacker situation has plenty of questions that still need answers. Everyday starters Anthony Hitchens and Ben Niemann have both been sidelined with hamstring injuries. On Wednesday, Hitchens is reportedly slowly being eased back in, while Niemann took the day off.

Meanwhile, second-year linebacker Willie Gay and rookie Nick Bolton have soaking up valuable time with the starting defense thus far into camp. Spagnuolo, who normally shies away from starting young players early, admitted to reporters both have grabbed his attention.  

“I’m excited about all the guys,” said Spagnuolo. “You know, I don’t like to point out two. I know their names come up a lot because they’re both young, Nick, we just got this year, but I will say this: those guys work as hard as anybody else on the defense. So I’m real pleased.”

But what are the odds Nick Bolton makes the starting lineup?

“Real difficult,” said Spagnuolo. “I think [linebackers coach] Matt House and [defensive quality control coach] Alex [Whittingham] and [outside linebackers] coach [Ken] Flajole here; I think those guys are doing a terrific job with him. He’s another guy, young guy, right? First year in the system. He’s playing multiple, multiple, multiple spots. But he’s doing a really good job,” he reasoned. “Sometimes when that happens,” he continued. “You get the brain cluttered [and] it ties up their feet a little bit. He doesn’t seem to do that. He doesn’t know everything mentally right now, but he’s still making a lot of plays. That part’s good.”

With that being said, it’s probably safe to say Bolton probably won’t see the field right out of the gate (as a starter that is) when the season begins.

Moving onto the backend of the Chiefs’ defense, Spagnuolo revealed the club’s plans for the secondary going into the upcoming season will be centered around second-year corner L’Jarius Sneed, who will be used inside as a nickel or dime back in some sets but will also be moved to the outside depending on the situation. 

Spagnuolo understands it’s not an easy workload, but said Sneed is picking it up rather well.

“That’s a challenging thing,” said Spagnuolo. “He’s going to play inside most downs, and then all of the sudden when we change the package, he’s outside. But he’s handled it really well. If you guys remember, last year, he was outside at the beginning (due to Bashaud Breeland’s suspension), got hurt, and when we brought him back, we wanted to get the best 11. And that was hard learning nickel in the middle, but he’s doing an excellent job.”

If Sneed is indeed set to be the Chiefs primarily nickel back, that would mean the team is still searching for someone to take Baushaud Breeland’s spot opposite Charvarius Ward. According to Spagnuolo, it’s a three-way battle between Deandre Baker, Mike Hughs, and Rashad Fenton.

“It is a good competition right now,” said Spagnuolo. “Now, Deandre wasn’t out there [Wednesday], but all three of those guys are working hard. Rashad [Fenton] takes on the added responsibility of having to play some nickel, the other two guys stay out there the whole time, but I’m pleased right now with what those three guys are doing.”

While a lot of time has been spent going over the changes the Chiefs have made to the offensive side of the ball, it sounds like the defensive side might look just as noticeably different since Kansas City last took the field.

The Chiefs will resume practice at 9:15 a.m on Thursday.

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